Joe Bessler, Professor of Theology, Tulsa, is presenting a series of talks in Australia.

PERTH (Uniting Church, Duke St, Albany)

Friday 13/7 7.30 pm Theology in the Age of Trump

Saturday 14/7 9 am Rise and Fall of the Christian Myth

Saturday 14/7 1 pm Facing up to the Hard Questions: Christian Faith for a New Age.

Cost: $15 per session or $30 for the three. Tea or coffee provided. Bring or buy lunch locally. To indicate attendance, ring E. Burns, 08 98422636.

MELBOURNE  (6 sessions at Ewing Memorial Centre, Cnr Burke Rd and Coppin St, East Malvern)

Friday 20/7 7pm

Saturday 21/7  10 am to 4pm

Saturday includes lunch and refreshments, incl. gluten free and vegetarian. Register at

SYDNEY  (Pitt St Uniting Church)

Friday/Saturday 27-28th July.

Dr Paul Inglis says of Joe’s Queensland talks:

Joe’s presentations to ecumenical as well as non-church audiences ranged through the influences of Platonic thought on the developing church, the three very different and major influences on this church in the last two hundred years and the intersection of religious and the political forces amid the current climate of debate over freedoms and authority. An outstanding feature of all the sessions was the way in which he generated many questions and never wavered in answering the challenging ones. Professor Bessler is an experienced teacher who gains respect by the way he responds to enquiry. For ‘explorers’ these were very popular sessions. Our progressive groups now have much to talk about amongst ourselves as we explore the many threads of Joe’s teaching.