Religion News Selection
April 2 – 9, 2023
A selection of religion news stories from Australia
(Research: Greg Spearritt)
Liability potential for Catholic Church after Vic Court of Appeal’s decision to uphold ruling (ABC News)
Apr 4 – Advocates and legal groups say a landmark “breakthrough” over the Catholic Church’s culpability for the crimes of paedophile priests will lead to better outcomes for victim-survivors.
Malka Leifer
Former ultra-Orthodox school principal Malka Leifer found guilty of rape (Sydney Morning Herald)
Apr 3 – Malka Leifer, the former principal of a Jewish ultra-Orthodox school in Melbourne, has been found guilty of sexually abusing two former students after a 15-year campaign for her to face justice.
Also: Malka Leifer: from ‘revered’ teacher to convicted sexual abuser (The Guardian, Australia)
Apr 3 – In an isolated ultra-Orthodox Jewish community, Malka Leifer was revered in a way three Melbourne sisters had never witnessed in a woman.
Shia Muslim scholars denied entry into US suspect religious bias (The Guardian, Australia)
Apr 3 – It took the US consulate seven minutes to reject Nabil Ahmed Shabbir’s visa application.
Religious Violence
Iranian police plan to use smart cameras to identify ‘violators of hijab law’ (The Guardian, Australia)
Apr 9 – Police in Iran plan to use smart technology in public places to identify and then penalise women who violate the country’s strict Islamic dress code, the force said on Saturday.
‘Divine timing’: Trump supporters see Jesus’ story in ex-president’s arrest (The Age, Melbourne)
Apr 6 – Washington: For the most devoted Trump conspiracy theorists, there are no coincidences and timing is everything.
Angry mobs still demand crucifixion and cancellation (The Australian)
Apr 7 – (Opinion: Anthony Fisher ) The outrage industry requires us all to be angry about something, all the time. Through social media angry mobs still demand crucifixion — or cancellation.
As we debate the Voice, I can’t think of a more profound meditation than affliction (ABC News)
Apr 9 – (Opinion: Stan Grant) This Holy Week I have sat with affliction.