By Denver Kanowski

The CSIRO has recently released studies and a book on the impact of cats in Australia. One study connects cats, human health issues and livestock production; another examines the effects of pet cats on wildlife. A range of other CSIRO cat-related studies are available. The book, Companion and Killer, focuses on the environmental impact and management of our furry friends.

It would appear that our little moggie friends are in fact dangerous and costly to humans as well as to other wildlife.

The facts are interesting, and sometimes startling.

  • In Tasmania, 34% of households are host to a cat. 67% of these households support some form of containment of cats.
  • It is estimated that there is a feral cat for every square kilometre of Australia.
  • In Tasmania it is legal to trap, seize and humanely kill feral cats if your property is more than 1 kilometre from the nearest residence.
  • 96% of feral cats carry toxoplasmosis, a parasite found in cat faeces which can cause abortion in people and sheep and is estimated to cost $6 billion annually in medical expenses, including 550 deaths & 8500 hospitalisations. It’s connected with 1 in 5 cases of schizophrenia and with 1 in 10 deaths due to suicide.
  • Cats can transmit a range of other diseases and parasites to humans.
  • Cats are estimated to be currently killing around 1 million birds a week in Australia as well as many other animals such as lizards and frogs.

In Victoria, for at least 20 years, there have been laws expecting cats to be contained within closed premises – a sensible compromise.

In far too many cases, however, cats seem to have the power of hypnosis, whereby their killing and mutilation of other sentient creatures is immediately forgiven and sanctioned by their owners. All ethical standards seem to go out the window in their presence.


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Photo by Pacto Visual on Unsplash